montenegro marinaMontenegro is increasingly becoming more attractive for wealthy tourists who own yachts as Greece, Italy and France have very high taxes and high fees for storage of yachts in comparison with Montenegro rates are twice cheaper .

That’s why more and more companies investing in Montenegro wants to within the luxury hotel built luxury yacht marina and golf courses.

Greek Marina Association ( GMA ) informed about the numerous departures of vessels in foreign ownership after the first January introduced new taxes on yachts.

International organizations and associations operating in the maritime sector of tourism , warned its members to new levies that Greece is introduced , so that a few of them and announced to appeal the institutions of the European Union because of the new tax burden , local media reported .

Ship owners where upset by a possibility that local customs and tax authorities can keep their vessels in case that thay can not pay additional taxes .

According to data from the GMA , foreign ship owners , who are mostly citizens of the United Kingdom , Germany, Italy , France and Austria , moving their boats in Croatia, Montenegro and Turkey .

In a commentary on the new taxes , boat owners say that this development will mean a loss of revenue for the local communities, the marinas and the whole Greece.

As an example, according to Italy , which is the 2012th also increased taxes on yachts, which resulted in the departure of the 30.000 vessel from Italian marinas and mostly to Montenegro and Croatia where taxes are much lower . At the end the Italian government relented and released foreign owners to pay additional taxes .


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